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Lawyers, Consultants, Advisors, Investors
Real Estate, Environmental, Renewable Energy, and Water Matters
Our professionals at David Nahai Associates (“DNA”) and David Nahai Consulting Services (“DNCS”) have over 65 years of combined experience in real estate, environmental, renewable energy and water matters. Please see our Team bios.
David Nahai Associates is a California law firm specializing in real estate deals of all types, including
purchase and sale, lease, ground lease, financing and construction transactions. Additionally, the firm
represents clients with respect to renewable energy, environmental, and water related matters. DNA
also has a sub-specialty in the entertainment and tech arenas.
David Nahai Consulting Services provides advisory and consulting services to private and public entities involved generally in the sustainability space – green real estate, environmental, renewable energy and water matters. DNCS additionally assists its clients to understand and navigate the regulatory processes affecting their work.
The firms draw on David Nahai’s experience as a former partner of major law firms in Los Angeles, as the former General Manager and Commission President of the Los Angeles Department of water and Power, as a current member (and former Chair) of the Los Angeles Regional Water Board, and as the former Senior Advisor to the Clinton Climate Initiative, as well as numerous other involvements.
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